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Why should we use statistical learning?

Our annual autumn school on Prediction modelling and personalized medicine in medical research using modern statistical methods will run in October 2017. The course covers all major steps of developing and assessing a clinical prediction model, including study design and data preparation, the problem of over-fitting in regression models, how to overcome over-fitting using penalized regression and cross-validation methods, how to deal with missing data, feature variable selection using random forests, and performance assessment and clinical usefulness of a model. The course consists of a mixture of lectures and computer lab seminars using the software R. 

Welcome to the group

The Statistical Learning and Prediction modelling group comprises statisticians and bioinformaticians with an interest in statistical learning and prediction models, with a particular focus on applications to mental health research. We organise monthly meetings to discuss novel methods and applications at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King's College London.

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